Nerd Care Enterprise

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Nerd Care Enterprise

£1,799.00 every month

When someone starts out as a ‘one-man’ band business, they often set up and control their own IT. As the company begin to grow and take on staff, things can get more complicated. Apart from inefficiency and wasting money, bad IT practices can hit hard financially.

In dealing with our clients we see a variety of problems, worries and concerns which businesses have about their IT set up.  Clients often contact us after they’ve been frustrated with some aspect of their technology or when they are worried about keeping up.

Our customers span Education, Charity, Financial services, Insurance, Law, Retail, Consultants, Ecommerce, Crypto currencies, Event organisers, interior designers and contractors

Our remote and on site IT service is like having a corporate IT department at your service.   



  • Anti-virus software
  • 14 Point Computer Tune-Up
  • Computer parts renewal and upgrades
  • Quarterly Data Back Up
  • New Computer Setup/File Migration
  • 10 Callout per month included
  • 10 Remote Consultations per month

Extra Hourly Rates

Hourly On-Site Support: £64.00 per hour (1 hour minimum). Included 10% membership Discount

Remote / Telephone Support: £50.00 per hour (1 hour minimum). Included remote access support.

Why our members join Nerd Care Enterprise:

1. Lost files - Not backing up data can be a costly mistake. This can be more difficult when files are on different computers and drives.

2. Slow computers – this is one of the most common and frustrating time wasters. A lagging computer seems to strike just when you need to get something done urgently.

3. Insufficient security – it really isn’t a good idea for staff to store important documents (e.g. invoices, reports, quotes) on different PCs and laptops with a variety of individual software installed on them. This kind of free-for-all can be a real security risk as well as making documents difficult to find. Unencrypted confidential data on laptops risks falling into the wrong hands.

4. Bad or forgotten passwords - your data is only as strong as the weakest password used. Cyber criminals will exploit these week spots. It’s still shocking to hear about the number of people who use 1234 as a password!

5. Insufficient anti-virus protection – individual anti-virus systems downloaded by different staff can be confusing and expensive. It also risks the protection becoming out of date at different times and without anyone noticing, leaving the whole network at risk.

6. Weak firewall protection – weak firewall can let in malware and other viruses which can compromise your data and systems.

7. Too many different systems being used - when firms start out it’s not unusual to add systems as you need them. For example you may end up with one for email, another for accounts and another for file storage. It can get complicated keeping on top of the different passwords as well as possibly duplicating information.

8. Limited IT expertise -It’s understandable when small businesses come to rely on the expertise of one member of staff. This can often happen in micro-businesses. However when that staff member is on annual leave or ill, or worse, when they leave, things can grind to a halt on the IT front. Suddenly, other employees cannot access the database, get the printer to connect to the Wi-Fi or even more crucially, operate the payroll.

9. Not keeping IT equipment and software up to date - it’s not uncommon for smaller businesses to try and ‘wing it’ where updates and maintenance are concerned. However this can be a false economy because it jeopardises the efficient operation of your business.